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Old 10-25-2005, 07:28 PM   #82
Empty_Purple_Stars's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Mephisto Waltz ~ Facade (closet of faces)

Like broken dreams of rich men
Who really don't have much
A pocketbook of promises
Their dreams are made of such
But silent desperation sold
They shop for what they want
They say stop it are you using me
Come talk to me in grunts

Because of mass frustrations
Emotions hid in chains
How no forever can be measured
Eventually it just has to fade
Yet as a hunger beckons me
In fear I hear the call
A desire comes to me
Arresting touch as I recoil

The passion draws me from my sleep
I awaken from the darkest dreams
The secret eyes did laugh at me
And nothing ever as it seems
The whispered promise I'll never hear
We're just passing with the night
These empty hands with touch unfelt
Are driving me from your saving light

Strawberry Switchblade ~ Ecstacy ( Apple of My Eye )

In my darkest dreams I see
You're much closer now to me
I have got you in my hair
I can feel you round me everywhere
If I ever was to tell
I could talk of you so well
But you're here in me and will always be
The secret that I want to keep and
In a kiss lies so much more than touch
And my life has found a new temptation
And ecstasy has meaning once again

I find suddenly I'm closer to you
And I find all my wildest dreams have come true
While I spin round my heart is beating for two
And I am wishing it will always be you and I

I will come with you
Doing all we want to do
Seeing things we've never seen
Going places we haven't tried to be
Touching me and touching you
All the love we never knew
Marked with 'x' you see is our destiny
As we run together we could be so free

In a kiss lies so much more than touch
And my life has found a new temptation
And ecstasy has meaning once again

I find suddenly I'm closer to you
And I find all my wildest dreams have come true
While I spin round my heart is beating for two
And I am wishing it will always be you and I


Thanks for the nods Korova..

Haven't been around the last couple days, the Straitjacket fittings took longer than expected...

YAY for Speechlessness!!!

The world needs more moments like those...

Suprise, Shock or Awe are one of the few emotional veins that both humble and excite our minds and heart, all at the same time..

The Duality is a Beautiful Thing...

/ End Philosophical Musings
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