Thread: Firearms
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Old 10-20-2008, 07:50 PM   #403
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: northeast us
Posts: 887
It isn't so easy as saying "They are in my house at night, so I get to kill them now, no questions asked". In a lot of places, if someone tries to disengage and escape and you pursue the matter, regardless of how they got there, you are now the aggressor. The threat is over, you're not protecting anything anymore.

Furthermore, it can be argued that purchasing a weapon for the purpose of killing anyone who dares break in to your home could be considered as pre-meditated murder. You've already made the decision to kill someone under your set of circumstances. If x, y, and z conditions are met, you're blowing them away. Most places, that is considered first degree murder, and you can be executed for it.

Regardless of your local laws, there is nothing respectable about the sort of mentality that treats lethal force in a flippant manner. Owning and god forbid using a firearm in a life or death situation is a huge responsibility, and based on the last couple posts it doesn't seem to be getting the sort of respect that a measure of such gravity deserves.
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