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Old 10-27-2008, 03:44 PM   #1
RavenEss_Shiva's Avatar
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Goth Makeup For Kids,how much is enough?

The thing is being a babygoth as a 12yr old,is often (as with most parents) makeup.
I have them at my disposal,but I thought I should get advice from the pros.
(My family already says I act like a whore and I haven't even tried on the makeup) so for my sanity's sake is there a way to put accross "I am Goth" with my makeup without getting TOO much of a 5 hour lecture on how inappropriete it is for a 12 yr old to be wearing ANY makeup.
I want a classy gothic look without people yelling "CLOWN" at me I just want some advice on how much is best for my age group...I would go full out regardless of peoples responses but people have been making life so hard for me why should I add more problems to the list?

(I'm super sorry if this questions been asked before,I've flicked back a page or two and it's not there,I am also lazy so I didn't check 7 pages of questions) to be a classy,gothic,12 yr wise......?
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