Thread: Greetings
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Old 10-29-2008, 04:41 PM   #61
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 4,678
I'm vegan because I hate people's unfounded hypocrisy about animals, including my own. I wouldn't kill and eat a cat or a dog and yet they've presented nothing that makes them better than a pig or a cow. Millions of pets will get Christmas presents this year, others will be killed and made into Christmas dinner after horrid lives of standing in their own waste in pens too small to lie down in, pumped full of chemicals and shit. I don't have dairy because cows have to be pregnant to produce milk, which means they're going to conceive, and 50% of those calves will be male. These calves are shot. I don't eat eggs because the chickens are fertilised and then lay fertilised eggs so that they have female chicks to keep things going, again, there's going to be males, who tend to just get crushed. Wool, sheep die from premature exposure. Honey, bees are crushed, queen bees are killed regularly. Silk, silkworms are killed. Vegetarianism is for the fucking naive.

Plus, veganism is far more productive, poverty could be wiped out.
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