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Old 11-05-2008, 09:14 PM   #16
Sir. Helpmann
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Originally Posted by Elysiume
No not that one, the musician. xD
Well I was moping about on a bench in my school campus, reading a book and listening to Voltaire - God Thinks, on my iPod (product placement!) when my Philosophy and Ethics teacher comes up to me and asks what I'm up to. I say that I'm reading some Baudelaire and I'm listening to Voltaire. Immediately, he demands to look at my iPod, and plays the song again. Then, he gets really mad because apparently the song is "offensive" and says that if he finds me or anyone else listening to him, their mp3 players will be confiscated.
Uh, I'm not really sure where this is going, I just really needed to vent...
Philosophy and ethics teacher said that?

My guess that he's done this on purpose in order for you to walk off and reflect on this philisophical dilema, and then come back with an answer to counter his argument.

It's what Philosophy and Ethics teachers do.

Or he could just be an arse hole.
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