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Old 11-05-2008, 11:07 PM   #141
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Originally Posted by KontanKarite
You know, I find that hard to believe, Ionic. If you were at all honest, one would think you'd be attempting something like this anyway.
You find it hard to believe that I'd try to enforce my desires on others, or that my religion might keep me from doing so?

From a rational standpoint, an organism that exists for itself should only do that which benefits it most.

While I might think that the idea of an anarchic paradise is utter foolishness and ignorance, it doesn't stop me from realizing that - as well off as I might be in such a state - I'd be even better off trying to turn it into my personal little paradise.

Why wouldn't I? The only rational reason, from my perspective, is if I am responsible to some other being. And responsibility to fellow human beings isn't exactly my strongest motivation - or most human's motivation, for that matter.
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