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Old 11-08-2008, 09:04 AM   #23
~~Auriel~~'s Avatar
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Originally Posted by PortraitOfSanity
It was a debate about a proposition that was based on religious grounds. If you can't see how a religious debate is relevant to that, you're really just ignoring the facts. Much like when you say you get "hatred" on here for your religion.
See post #19. Prop 8 was the only state prop/law that I mentioned as having anything to do with religious beliefs. But rather than staying on course, it became all about religion.

If you want to debate religion...start a thread about debating's not brain surgery.

Furthermore, you don't have to act like a prick because you don't agree with me. As previously stated elsewhere- hiding behind a computer screen doesn't make your balls any bigger. And that's not directed at you POS, just those that feel a need to present themselves as ingrates...and there is "hatred" towards me because of my beliefs. Which is obvious from various posts.
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