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Old 11-09-2008, 05:35 PM   #61
~~Auriel~~'s Avatar
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Location: Michigan, U.S.A.
Posts: 244
Originally Posted by x-deviant-x
I was kind of surprised that no one in the class (of about 50) was brave enough to disagree.
I've only gotten through 1/4 of Joseph Campbell's Primitve Mythology. Between school and running an online clothing store and my son I don't have much extra time to read! I wish someone would have. I forget where but I mentioned in a separate post that there were many religions that had their own versions of the crucifixtion including the Norse God Odin-- also dead because of being pierced by a spear.

Originally Posted by x-deviant-x
Interesting. Does the concept of soul mates play a role anywhere in your beliefs on reincarnation?

I believe in soul mates. While I've never taken the time to really study it from anyone else's perspective, I believe we are conscious energy. I also believe we don't carry gender through reincarnation, specifically, but that our 'souls' (for lack of a better term), are genderless, with aspects of both genders struggling for dominance over time. I hope that doesn't sound like a contradiction. Its the best way I can explain it at the moment. I'm also a Libra, and I believe fully that this is why I'm so obsessed with balance.
I do and I am fortunate enough to have found mine. I don't believe souls have a sex either. We can be re-incarnated a number of times, (here's where Christianity fits into that) until the "End Time" spoken of in Revelations. Bascially we are given a certain amount of time to "get it right" and then we face Heaven or Hell.
Soulmates can vary. You can have soulmates of the body and of the spirit, and then of both. I tend to look at soulmates in a broader spectrum (let's watch everyone tear this apart too!). I think it is more of a level of connection than anything else. You experience this connection with a person based on need. So for example there could be temporary ones based on a lesson that you need to learn in life, and you experience this connection with that person in order for the two of you to learn. Then there are permanent ones where that connection never dies, but changes and molds with time and each individual.
BTW-I'm a Libra-Virgo cusp. I am also obsessive about balance...and very analytical and critical.

Originally Posted by x-deviant-x
You have to have a pretty thick skin to last in this forum. Pretty much everyone around here seems to enjoy ripping everyone else apart. Even when they agree on the same issue, they still get their jollies on arguing with each other on why they agree. Since there's virtually no moderators left, its a free-for-all, more or less.
That's why I post at too. Many of these people would've been kicked by now. I also post in a Christian and Native American forum when possible. I don't mind criticism but someone "getting their jollies" about something is stupid. There's enough conflict in the world...why create more? Besides, it seems like you and I have more of a life than that!
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