Thread: "Evil" States
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Old 11-27-2008, 04:18 AM   #22
Drake Dun
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Posts: 1,178
Moats and alligators! The brilliance! Why didn't we hit upon this kind of thinking before?

Oh, that's right. We did. It brought us a few thousand years of insanity and mass murder, which we now cynically refer to as "history".

It's the same process which brought us little gems like people who can, in the same post, whine about lack of respect for the U.S. Constitution, and express resentment that the nation's courthouses can't be used as a forum for the promotion of their own laughable religious code, even though the constitution in question forbids such and when compared side by side amounts in significant part to a tit for tat rejection of the same.

Go kill a native American or something. It'll make you feel better about yourself. And for the record, Iraq has had a new constitution since 2005. That constitution enshrines Islamic Law in what used to be the closest thing to a sane, secular state in the entire region. Isn't it nice to know that we're spreading freedom and democracy around the world?
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