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Old 11-27-2008, 11:01 AM   #12
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 227
If you are using the word examined, as in when viewed by other people then there is an easy answer. Most people are biased to begin with, or simply misinformed. I've been accused of being a satanist several times throughout my life just because of how I look and because I'm not christian. I never give praise to Satan or say anything that could be considered satanic.. some folks are just narrow minded. I blame the teachings of their parents, and their parent's parents.

If you are using the word "examined" in a medical sense, to be examined by a doctor or psychiatrist then it beats the hell out of me.

I've had suicidal thoughts several times throughout my life. For a time I used to cut myself, and it isn't something that I'm proud of by any means. What kept me from committing suicide is a number of things cowardice being one of them. The thought of my little sister growing up without a big brother is another. The heartbreak my mother would suffer knowing that her only son is dead. And lastly the idea that I am not one to give up so easily. By taking your own life you are only rushing to the finish line for no reason. What thing could be so terrible that you simply can no longer stand being alive? Death comes for us all in the end so I don't see why one would rush to greet it when they have years and years to live yet. Even if you live those years as recklessly as possible, or struggle through them, or heaven forbid you actually turn them into something constructive looking back you will always know that you made the choice to live, and can do so without worry or fear, because what is the worse that could die?
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