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Old 12-08-2008, 03:20 AM   #19
Sir. Helpmann
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Are you the real Batman? Then why do you dress like him?!?!

Originally Posted by Despanan
Alright, we all know that Kelpmann is a massively unoriginal contrived internet troll. However after the revelations in this thread I decided to take him off ignore for a bit and take a gander at his other posts through the magic of google.
Good... Good... I feel your obsession...

Originally Posted by Despanan
This is almost word-for-word the speech Skeletor gives in the live-action "Masters of the Universe" movie.

Here we find a direct quote from Cato the Elder and Abraham Linclon probably others, if we bothered to look for them.

This thread is just a hodgepodge of quotes and pithy phrases disguised as his own thoughts. It begins with a quote by Albert Einstein, jumps into Ralph Waldo Emerson and other. notable. statements. Which he has cobbled together and attempted to pass off as his own.
I am defencless...

Take your google... use it... strike me down... give me your attention.... search up everything I have ever posted and your journey towards ignoring me will be complete!

Originally Posted by Despanan
The sheer scope of this "wit" is staggering. I do not believe that this kid has a single original thought in his head. What I find staggering was that people like Skull-ass-face (I like how he laments the fact that he has nothing "original" to add to Kelpmann's "inspiration") and others actually mistook this stuff for Helpmann's. I mean, this goes way beyond the scope of reference, or even "copying", this is straight up-Todd Goldman level cut and paste.

Anyway, it's just kinda cool that we have proof positive now that not only is he a troll, but he's not even his own troll. The "intelligence" and "wit" a couple of the slower people among us have so foolishly admired is nothing but theft and amalgamation from others who actually were smart. It doesn't seem like Helpmann is alone in this either. Hell after I took EtS off ignore I found that was spamming an article on "Martian Law" from uncyclopedia, presumably in some attempt to screw with my Sealab-inspired wackiness. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the start of his "novel" is cribbed from Stephen King or some other hack-writer.

So hopefully if anyone is still hanging onto doubts that this whole crew is anything more than a poor excuse for trollish attention whores...yeah, sorry we've kinda got conclusive evidence that you are wrong. Helpmann is just another idiot with boobs on his head named after a dancer.

Just thought I'd bring that up. I now declare the topic of this thread to be:

With each devotional thread you make yourself more my servant.

It is unavoidable... it is your destiny.

You.. like $haDe... are now... MINE!
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