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Old 12-08-2008, 09:44 PM   #1
Mass Producing Hate
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Roanoke VA
Posts: 14
Umm, my name is Michael...mmyep (braces self for blatant flaming)

Well I am posting the questions mentioned in the one sticky and then I will divulge other random jargon.

(Paragraph below was written AFTER the stuff following it)
I am also apologizing in advance for my horrid sentence structure and sentences that can end up being longer then a paragraph and a half. My thought process is random and rapid fire so it comes out disjointed and hap hazard but it somehow makes sense to me. Also I know this is a wordy post because of my probably useless elaborations on things and (')'s within (')'s and so on.

1. What do you do? (Hobbies, job)
For the past few months I have been stuck in a rut of work, school, perusing the internet/World of Warcraft and that is about it. I will admit to being a nerd and honestly I do not care what others think =D
2. Where are you from?
I have lived in 5 states during the 20 years I have been alive so I really don't have a "hometown"
3. Who is your favorite author?
Neil Gaiman or William Gibson (only have read Burning Chrome and Neuromancer but I mooch off of my dads huge collection of books ranging from 30/40s pulp sci to Space Opera all the way to Cyberpunk and beyond)
4. What are your favorite films?
Seven Samurai and a bunch of others that I am too lazy to list.
5. What music do you want played at your wedding?
"Spermy Man" by Snog is all I could think off of the top of my head.
6. At your funeral?
Necrophilia by Suicide Commando (just for bad taste of the timing) also note reasoning is same as above.
7. This IS a gothic website, so... how do you want to die?

8. What kind of casket would you want?

9. What's your FAVORITE outfit?

10. What's one thing you miss about being a little kid?
Ignorance is bliss on issues and other things but honestly I have never had many friends that didn't turn on me or abandon me at some point so I used video games as my coping mechanism.
11. What's your favorite band?
Oh Marilyn Manson, HIM, and Metallica....not really my music taste is vary varied but lately is has been a bunch of random synth based stuff (I have no clue what to put it in genre wise because of all the debates and hissy fits that ensue) but for the past few days Snog "Lies Inc" album, Meat Beat Manifesto "Subliminal Sandwich" double album, Skinny Puppy (random stuff from Last Rights and earlier), Din_FiV's only 2 albums and some early Haujobb.
12. What kind of education do you have? What is/was/will be your major?

13. Why did you join?
I was looking for clothing and how to do a full change of style, I have wanted to dress in a "goth" style for years but lacked the funds and/or knowledge to do so but I finally decided to look it up instead of blowing a paycheck on Hot Topic crap. For the past few years I just have been wearing blue jeans and band shirts because I found out I could mooch off of my parents so long as it wasn't stereotypical Hot Topic stuff as in they would pay for ALL of it. However before that I hate to say it but ...Tripp Pants and band shirts which I highly regret but I didn't know any better but oh well. I actually did browse through all 26 pages on the fashion forum on here so as not to post a stupid topic or luck out and find one that answered all of my many questions but I did not.
14. If the first 13 questions didn't give it away. What is your gender?

I will now post the topic I have been wanting to in the fashion forum after I grab a much needed cigarette. Also I actually wanted to mention something on cigarettes now that I think about it because I stumbled upon a topic regarding cloves in the fashion forum from sometime in early 07 I think. Someone related smoking to cutting which is actually the main reason I picked up smoking in the first place even though I lost BOTH of my grand fathers to lung cancer and a uncle as well. I picked it up as something to fulfill my urge to self harm out of depression and my hatred of myself (I am a self loathing person with horrible self esteem.) I only cut for a short time when I was 15 and I was committed to a Psyche ward after a stupid thing I did (not in the mood to elaborate) and I was informed after I got out that if I did it again I would be locked up in there for a longer time and it was the equivalent of hell IMO. I have been tempted on occasion to cut for ever since then because of the release (I did not go deep but I was making my way there and it felt good and I got to take out my self loathing on myself physically instead of mentally.) I picked up smoking about 5 months after I turned 18 and have been addicted ever since. I know that is off topic for an introduction thread but I did not feel like posting in the old thread would have done much good because I have no clue if the original posters even use the site anymore.

I am shutting up now because I doubt anyone will have wasted time to read that. Also my thought process is even more convoluted then usual so my grammar is probably becoming an eyesore.
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