Thread: Sexuality
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Old 11-01-2005, 11:23 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by nonfatsuperjesus
Love doesn't exist. All love is is the desire not to be alone.
We'll start with that one then; how do you explain the willingness to let go of what you love? Surely that's a distinct possibility, and an occurence relatively common enough to debunk this entire philosophy. If love were based purely on the desire to evade seclusion, then giving up on what you love would become contradictory to love itself. Your argument is a tough one to support.

Therefore sex is a comfort of that feeling, at least for most people.
Most nullifies your previously made subjective generalization of love's inexistence. Love would truly be contingent on a variety of personal definitions of a connection which most people could easily argue is beyond the grasp of verbal comprehension/conveyence.

For me, sex is the desire to feel good. Orgasm is a natural high. I love it. So, anonymous is alright for me. For others, having sex with someone they don't know doesn't hold that comfort feeling so, they despise anonymous sex.
From a personal perspective, I could have sex anonymously; I haven't, but I know I could and I could even obtain the natural high of orgasm, etc. but there is a key portion of content lacking in this match up that I would label as love. There's quite the distinction.

I am gay. I always have been. My only question is: how do you know that you are bi if you haven't even kissed another woman yet? At the very most you are merely curious. Go have sex with a woman and come back and tell us that you are bi, you might even decided to go all gay or might decide that you don't care for it. However, you must experience it first.

Overall, your argument is very shaky. For instance, you can only argue from a personal perspective for the inexistence of love; it's impossible to argue from other perspectives, and you could even debate against your view from two points:

Firstly, that as you are only capable of perception through your own ego, that you are incapable of making such sweeping generalizations for the world as a whole.

The second would be that you provided a definition for love; you said "Love doesn't exist. All love is is the desire not to be alone." which is self-contradictory. If love doesn't exist, then the desire to not be alone doesn't exist.

There are also a bunch of sociological, biological, and psychological perspectives to consider beyond that one over-simplification you gave us.
"You had a tough day at the office, so you come home, make yourself some dinner, smother your kids, pop in a movie; maybe a have a drink. It's fun, right? ...wrong.

...don't smother your kids."
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