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Old 01-03-2009, 12:28 AM   #7
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Shocked! Shocked I say!

It's like those pledges they had when I was in school about not drinking until you are 21. Everyone took one (well, a few of us didn't on principle alone), but the majority of the masses do it because it seems like the right thing to do, and you don't want to piss off the teachers, your parents, etc by saying you plan on engaging in such behaviour.

That being said the first opportunity most people had they drank. Same thing here. People are celibate until the right opportunity presents itself then TO HELL with the pledge, I'm getting laid tonight!

...the fact they made the pledge makes them more likely to be unprepared (hard to make a celibate pledge then go get condoms, birth control pills, or other contraceptives and still claim your making an effort to stay chaste).

They already showed that in areas where 'abstinence only' programmes were introduced (mainly the south, and in Texas - all put in place by the bush administration and its supporters) these areas have the highest amount of teen pregnancies and STDs.

Convincing a teen not to have sex is much like putting a juicy steak on the floor and telling a dog not to eat it. You might be able to stop it if you stare at it constantly, but sooner or later we all know the inevitable outcome.

The only kids who successfully participate in such programmes are kids who usually are not popular, not attractive, and who don't get invited to parties or have encounters which could lead to sexual activity to begin with (i.e. the kids who would be celibate or sober anyway). Granted, there is a small less than 1% who might be an exception to this, but very, very few would fall into that category.

Given the right opportunity, they are going to eat that steak.
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