Thread: Judgement Day
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Old 01-23-2009, 05:11 PM   #28
Malice In Wonderland
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Originally Posted by KontanKarite
Fashion as a whole? While I agree that fashion isn't HIGH art, fashion is, by virtue of being a symbol of an idea, always expressive.

If you can give me an example of any kind of garment that doesn't express an idea whatsoever, then I'd be inclined to agree with you that fashion as a whole is not expressive. The sad thing is, it is. The thing that needs to be understood, that not all expression is as profound as we would all like to think.

Sure, a plumber could wear some coveralls with his tool belt around his waist, but the uniform he is wearing is expressing the idea that he is indeed, a plumber.

Think about it. If fashion as a whole wasn't expressive, then bondage pants and funky colored hair would not offend anyone in the least.

Very rarely does one ever put on any amount of clothing for nothing but the sake of function. Even when they do, the piece itself will express who you are. So if one looks like they just fell out of their closet or even tried to look as strictly plain as possible, they're still going to express an idea, weather they mean to or not.
Makes sense.
Thanks Kontan.

"One mohawk wasn't enough to keep up with how badass he is so he had to get two." - Haunted House, about me, YEAH, ME!

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