Thread: Pets from hell
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Old 03-21-2009, 02:38 AM   #10
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 523
I've got 3 cats. a 7yr old, 2yr old and a kitten thats 7 months. My kitten is the snobbies pain in the arse out. She goes out for the loo now (thank god) but up until about a month ago she was using a litter tray. I changed to a paper based litter and she refused to use it and showed her protest by crapping everywhere. Under the sofas, in the bath, behind the toilet, on 1 of the kids school bags once. As soon as I changed back to a gritty litter, she was fine. Bloody cheek. I've never known such a fussy cat, and she was hand reared too! Biggest problem now is shes a hunter, just like her mum. There wont be any mice or birds near my garden pretty soon.
I can only please one person a day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow's not looking good either.

I was a vegetarian until I lost my virginity, and a wise man said to me 'do you not feel guilty now, having had all that meat inside you?'
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