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Old 04-25-2009, 11:32 AM   #357
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Posts: 97
Unfortunately we all tend to carry any body fat (some of which is essential to being healthy) on different parts of our body. Sometimes its your tummy, breasts, bum, or indeed your thighs, it will always be the first place you put it on and the last place you loose it. Its not always possible to loose it off those areas whilst maintaining a healthy weight. Particularly for woman who have had kids.

Personally I carry it on my breasts which is as good a place as any :-)

Liposuction is fairly popular for that reason. Not that I would suggest that.

I personally think most woman tend to look better if they are not a size zero. Some woman are built like that and look great, but for most of us it will just leave you looking quite horrible, and very unfeminine. Some curves I think can be very sexy.
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