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Old 05-08-2009, 03:29 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia View Post
No it wasn't because she was goth, it was because the guys were idiots.
It may have been because she was different, sure, but come on.
I think "hate crime" should be a term reserved for groups in a minority they can't escape, and who generally experience hatred wherever they go.

Black people can't decide to not be black, but a goth can decide to stop dressing like an asshole.
"As the trial opened the prosecution told the hearing: "Sophie and Robert were singled out not for anything they had said or done, but because they looked and dressed differently."

The Law seems to believe so. One of the convicted attackers, Harris admitted it was because they were "moshers".

Yes, he was an idiot, but an idiot that killed her because she was Goth.
There is more than just Wiki on the internet that documents the police interview of Harris and his statements of why he made her "a right mess".

Now I have a problem with your last comment. If *I* were to decide that the chavs were "dressing like an asshole" should they stop dressing that way? Of course not. And Sophie should not have had to stop dressing the way she did (which was in perfectly good taste in my opinion).

I went out on Towel Day wearing a bathrobe and carrying a towel, went grocery shopping, went to Quizno's and nobody beat me up or even threatened to beat me up or even said one damn thing to me about the way I was dressed. So sure, maybe I was dressed like an asshole, but it was not a reason to die.
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