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Old 06-11-2009, 09:08 AM   #8
Lady Christine
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Posts: 213
About your burial thing, I remember walking through a cemetery a bit ago with a friend, and we got to a point where it stopped, there was a BIG highway, and then continued on the other side. Perplexed I asked him what happened, and he told me that actually all of the headstones on the other side were new even with some of them dating back 50-100 years, because they dug up the graves to relocate them, but some of them are still under the highway and some didn't even get re-buried. Mind you this is also the town Stephan King lives in, so it's sort of funny how dark the legends of the town are.

As some have said, I will agree you DO seem a lot like HavelockV, but my thought is... eh, it could be a LOT worse. I don't mind seeing more HavelockV folk running around.
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