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Old 06-29-2009, 09:28 AM   #37
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 9,548
I know my bloodline history because we had to do a paper on it in high school, and it turns out most of my great grandparents were immigrants from England and Ireland, with the exception of my paternal grandmother's parents who were Francophone Canadians, and I couldn't find anything about that part of the family past that.

In terms of cultural heritage, I don't know where I stand. My mom is Newfie but my dad is from Ontario, I was raised here most of my life but I was pretty resistant to Newfie culture, now that I'm in the city I've warmed up to it and I don't think we're hopeless anymore, but out in a small community I only got to see the hick version of it, and assumed thats all there was to it.
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