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Old 07-02-2009, 12:24 PM   #440
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by Tam Li Hua View Post
I've visited both, and neither are nearly as terrible as you make them out to be. I lived in China proper for three years, so I think I'd be more than okay in Hong Kong. I did some charity work in Singapore for 6 weeks back in college, and the same goes for it; not really scared to move there. [Then again, I don't plan on going around spray-painting cars, am not a JW, and am not a gay man, so I think I'd be okay.

I -do- like chewing gum, though. I'd probably miss that a little.]
So because it doesn't affect you, you don't care, whereas unless you're making tons of money socialism will only work in your favour? Regardless of the fact that things like universal healthcare are just the government taking a little tiny step to the left, its not full blown socialism and probably won't go that way for a very long time, its just that for some reason socialism is a bad word so people love to throw it around.

No country is perfect, and I've already done a lot of foreign travel and living. It's not quite the horror experience you may think it is. lol

That being said, I'm well aware of the freedoms available in the States. That doesn't make me like it any better, though.
They aren't horrible if you're white and foreign, but its still less free than it would be in the States, and if you're going to move on the principal of socialism, you're still going to find things that are objectionable in any country you go to, and in the case of Hong Kong you're going to find a similar set up anyway, with no guns and healthcare.
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