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Old 07-08-2009, 06:48 AM   #36
Anima_Severem's Avatar
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Backwoods hick town, NC
Posts: 82
Some notes before we start.

There's a lot of different stuff here. Some horror, some comedy, some...horromedy. There might also be some really bad movies here, but I think that's alright. I'm one of those weirdos who likes bad movies.

Corpse Bride - I don't think gothic stuff is all about sulking and scoffing. Anyone who thinks that has the wrong subculture. Emo's five aisles over. But this one's got Victorian England, marrying a corpse, and dancing skeletons. What's not to love about dancing skeletons?

Beetlejuice - When I was a kid this one gave me nightmares. As I got older though, I loved it, especially as I slipped into the goth subculture. I'm...a sucker for these movies. What? No I'm not a Tim Burton fan.

Hellraiser (Only the first 2)- Now we're getting serious, and for once it's not a Tim Burton work. Deep down inside, I think everyone's got that desire to experience pleasure beyond their wildest imagination, even if it means getting that pleasure intertwined in pain. That, and who doesn't love shiny leather?

The original Dracula - The one with Bela Lugosi. This is pretty much a goth staple, and no one, NO ONE can replace Bela Lugosi.

Twilight - Just kidding.
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