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Old 07-09-2009, 09:16 PM   #13
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by HumanePain View Post
For which phylum does one draw the line? I mean, I verbally torture flies before I swat them without mercy. I tell them "Fly, you shall DIE!", then I smash them cruelly. I care not if they left behind thousands of children...well...maggots really, but hey, an orphan is an orphan!
Most people see bugs as a genuine health threat (West Nile Virus, malaria, even allergies to the bites), not to mention the pain of their bites and how many people are afraid of bugs and spiders. Bugs are so alien from us in most respects, yet I remember in elementary school a kid in my class was caught torturing dragonflies by catching them and ripping off their wings, and our teacher gave the whole class a lecture on why we shouldn't do things like that. It seems that where we draw the line is not really whether we really believe the animal is mechanical but whether we believe we can gain something by its death, and the value of what we gain.

Originally Posted by HavelockV
I admit I am not completely numb about this incident; does and fawns rather frequently romp around the fruit trees planted in our back yard and we hardly object to them picking off some apples here and there. I was simply uncertain as to whether or not this story merited its own thread since it was, dare I say it, 'just an animal'. However, I see now that it has merited some discussion and for that I am glad.
"It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." That goes for humanity as well, its wise to remember that other animals live on this planet too and have to try to make the best in a world dominated by an overpopulated species that doesn't flinch at killing them because they are "just animals", why not give them a voice?
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