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Old 07-19-2009, 09:42 PM   #988
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Originally Posted by Despanan View Post
And that's an example of you totally missing the point. I never meant that you literally used a thesaurus, I was merely pointing out your tendency to unnaturally elevate your language.
All right, I suppose I misunderstood you then, though I maintain that understanding you would have been quite a feat. I admit I sometimes I do go over my posts and change a word or two to a more sophisticated alternative, but it's usually for the sake of either humor or clarity. I don't see this as a big problem.

Honestly Gothicus, I don't see why you have any reason to take issue with me. I have no beef with you, but you're casting your lot with the Stooges over here because of what? Seniority? Because you think I'm arrogant? I assure you my friend I'm not arrogant, I just know a fucking waste of oxygen when I see one.
I don't see why you perceive me to be on the side of 'stooges', or anyone save myself for that matter. If Jillian or JCC insulted you in a way I felt was completely unfair and groundless, you can be certain I would defend you. You suggested that the only contrast between your remarks to Needlefeet and others you made recently is that the targets of the latter are 'popular', and I replied that there is another difference, in that your mockery of Needlefeet for being an idiot is justified, and your mockery of Jillian for, say, founding a socialist club is not.
I don't take issue with you per se, I think you're all right. If pressed, I'd have to say I like you over less 'controversial' members such as Jack_The_Knife or Joker_in_the_Pack. That view is one I have expressed to, and on which I have definitely been contested by, those you call 'stooges'. I just think you say stupid shit sometimes, and have been experiencing a spike lately.
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