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Old 09-17-2009, 12:14 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Still Jack View Post
Buy the Target ones and D.I.Y them. Sew zebra plush and stuff onto them. A friend of mine had the same problem as you guys, now she buys all her bras at the sex shop, apparently they're comfy from there.
Don't you mean "buy the Victoria's Secret ones and DIY them?" So that they're cute AND they fit right?
Either way, that's a good idea. The A and B and generally even C cups always get the cute ones anyway. Once they see you're a D cup they assume you are a soccer mom who doesn't give a shit about cuteness so long as it holds your bazooms where they're supposed to be.

I should practice first on some old bras I have to make sure I can do it right, because I would be pissed if I spent the money on a $50 bra only to destroy it with my abysmal DIY skills.
Now poop on them, Oliver.
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