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Old 09-20-2009, 04:42 AM   #48
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Back in Wisconsin(thinking about invading the south)
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Originally Posted by SweetJane View Post
But it's NOT off-topic. The topic is right-wing militerism; i.e. Libertarianism/ anarcho-capitalism.

Deadmanwalking said DISCUSS.

I am discussing the inherant flaw in Libertarianism, and offereing the solution- anarcho-syndicalism (anarchy has, after all, since its conception been anti-capitalist).

I'm sorry you didn't get a hard-line communist(statist) to debate this with you.

I beleive in neither capitalism nor the state.

Counter me or don't.

Or, you know, do some actual research into history instead of letting Fox News tell you the highlights.
Ok well you went off topic from the part of the thread that I was interested in, so I surrender the floor to you. Now, today ontop of my regular cookie offer I can offer some fresh, cold, unpasturized apple cider fresh from the orcherds. Would you like either?
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