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Old 10-15-2009, 11:53 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by SweetJane View Post
That's one anecdotal opinion. I have a friend who was forced to leave her home during the serbo-croation war, came to America as a refugee, whent home once after the fall of the Soviet Union, and refuses to ever go home again because she misses communism.

Another basic problem with capitalism that I haven't yet read being discussed is the idea of surplus. In capitalism, productivity is key. This leads to overproduction, which means everyone tries desperately to sell things that people don't need (which is another part of cultural exploitation, making people think they need to keep consuming things that put them in debt). This also means that people work far more hours than they actually need to in order to produce just enough stuff for everyone to get by, which is just fine in the eyes of corporations in that their workers labor all day and then have the energy only to buy food and watch T.V., and probably purchase more of their product. The idea is to make everyone a satiated tool for the corporations.

Idealy, under an anarchosyndicalist setting, the need for everything would be assessed democratically, and there would be much less waste, and therfor people would have to work fewer hours, and everyone would have time to actually think about improving themselves and their community, but more importantly, they would have time to be ACTIVE in their community. Where productivity in terms of bringing in money was once concerned in capitalism, the key in a syndicalist community would be making sure everyone has what they need in order for everyone to be productive a member of society as possible.
I addressed it briefly in my rather long winded rant at that fucking redneck up there. People slave away to make items then slave more to save up money for basic necessities which we have in enormous surplus.

The ideal capitalism is supposed to adjust for surplus, however capitalist societies breed greed, and greed doesn't care about responsibility. You can't have a system that teaches every man for himself and then expect unity and community.
Because before too long there'll be nothing left alive, not a creature on the land or sea, a bird in the sky. They'll be shot, harpooned, eaten, and hunted too much, vivisected by the clever men who prove that there's no such things as a fair world with live and let live. The Royal family go hunting, what an example to give to the people they lead and that don't include me, I've seen enough pain and torture of those who can't speak...

- Tough Shit, Mickey by Conflict
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