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Old 11-10-2009, 08:44 AM   #20
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Well Joker, there is also a high tendency for ADD to be mis-diagnosed. So, it is highly likely that those people who you know that didn't have a good result with the meds don't have ADD in the first place. Or maybe they were on the wrong med.

ADD is known to be co-morbid with many other disorders like SweetJane mentioned. If someone has ADD but also a side order of anxiety, depression, or what ever else on the menu and only the ADD gets 'fixed' but not the other issues then problems will still present themselves. Me, I've probably got mild Bi-Polar with my ADD. I found that when I was on a mood stabilizer along with my ADD med I had noticeably better results.

Some people really CANNOT just "GET THE FUCK OVER IT." Trust me, I tried. I resorted to doing illegal drugs for a while even. Then the light bulb went off that there were things that could help me without risking jail time for me and misery for my family.

Just curious to know how old you are Joker, and if you've always lived in the US.
For the tree of life is growing where the spirit never dies
And the bright light of salvation up in dark and empty skies
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