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Old 11-11-2009, 11:00 AM   #39
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Join Date: Nov 2009
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Posts: 38
Overmedication and an abundance of diagnoses is certainly a problem when you talk about ADD/ADHD. It's really quite unfortunate. Those who do actually suffer from it are suffering from a MEDICAL condition and should not be viewed as anything else.

You make a good point, Jin. ADD is so thorough that it seems to become part of that person's personality. I learned this when I attended an adult ADD seminar recently. I always thought of myself as an empath, as being very frank and honest. But I've learned that people with ADD are more prone to blurting things out and can appear as harsh because it's harder to internalize some emotions. What I once thought was a charming part of my personality can be attributed to this condition. It was a sobering thought.
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