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Old 11-17-2005, 08:47 PM   #20
angel_dark_demon_bright's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Tall One In Black
What is this "socially acceptable" you speak of and why would you think it would matter to us? And why should there be any difference between the genders?

50/50, huh? Was a study done or did you just throw those numbers out there? People disagree on many, many, many, many things. But the beauty of living in a free country is that it really makes no difference if people agree or disagree with you.

Four whole years!! Shocking!!

Then why would you even give it a second thought?

Please tell me you don't actually care if other people think you "make a good couple." Who cares if anyone agrees with you being together? It's really not their decision or their business.

Actually, it happens all the time. Harrison Ford + Calista Flockhart. Ashton Kutcher + Demi Moore. Catherine Zeta-Jones + Michael Douglas. And all of those couples are far more than four years apart in age.
When i say "socially attceptable" i mean that most people not in our age group tend to look down on a woman who dates a man who is much younger than he. They tend to see her as inferior, theyll look down on her with less respect than someone who is not in said relationship. Some Men and woman, at times, will think of her as easy or loose. And, while she and i dont care about what others think of them that doesnt make it any easy when you walk into a grocery store and have people start to stare and whisper.

When you live in a small town of less then 1000 where most of the population is older than 28 with old time values, fifty-fifty starts to become a pretty close estimate.

It hasnt mattered to either of us. Like Dis said its about maturity not age. I merely started this thread to bring up the issue that in some cases and in some parts of the country what others think can matter more than somewhere. Like in a more urbon place where its easier to give the idea of others opinions less care.

And i dont care who wants us to be together and who doesnt. Would i still be in this relationship if i did? No, because listening to comments like the ones ive heard would have surely ruined it much sooner.

And yes there are cases where these kind of relationships do succeed, just like any other. Its one thing to have a relationship that is out in the spotlight. And another when your a little, slightly lower on the world popularity scale.
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