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Old 11-18-2005, 12:49 PM   #25
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Portland, Oregon
Posts: 579
There is a point where it becomes questionable. For me I think it'd be anything in the 8 to 10 year range and greater. At that point the difference would so great that there just wouldn't be very much in common to be shared. I couldn't imagine dating a woman ten years older than me. What would I have to offer? Same with ten years younger (or so) - which I have done - they had nothing to offer me so it was never a relationship - they were simply toys. How could I relate to someone who's biggest problem in life is that she got a F in math and mommy grounded her?

Life experience does mean alot. That being said I only know of one couple that are the same age. All of the other couples I know there's a gap of at least a year or two... but the gap is rarely more than five years - and even more rare that the woman is older by five years or more. Dunno what that means really but if age is an issue that you're worried about - then it'll probably break you up. If you'd have not even thought about it as a topic to bring up then it there's no issue.

The fact that it was even brought up at all means that it IS an issue.
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