Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 12-03-2009, 09:28 PM   #2461
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 96
Well, I feel like shit.

I got assigned two tickets that I was never supposed to take. The first ticket was supposed to be taken by a guy who has ten years more experience than I do, but got assigned to me because he was sick and the rest of the staff was busy. That went horribly wrong in so many ways that I can only sum it up as a living example of the word "clusterfuck".

The other ticket went better, except for two tiny things:

1.) It was at a therapist's office that I was supposed to see.
2.) The resident therapist wanted me to do a whole set of things outside of the scope of what I was there to do, then acted offended when I said that I couldn't do them because I didn't have the hardware with me (because, you know, we all carry three 16-port routers and two laser printers with us), and later compared me unfavourably to a "slightly retarded orangatan" when talking to her coworker.

Well. Fuck.
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