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Old 11-18-2005, 09:14 PM   #41
polished_wolf_claws's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada
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Originally Posted by Santarea
The difference between a Satanist (and I will not profess to know overmuch about their belief system) and what Demonista was talking about is the versed, practised, and studied Satanists who are serious about their faith versus the popular view of pissy, shock me shock me shock me, 15 year olds who need attention. the difference is education and maturity and the confidence to not have to act like an assclown.
Yes... and Even further on that point, there is a difference between Satanists and Devil Worshippers

Satanists come across as just Self-oriented people. Narcisistic if you will... and thats just fine.

Devil-Worshippers are a broad variety.... I've seen some of them that are well rounded and intellegent people... then there are the Korn/SlipKnot/God Smack Fans who are too mallcore for the whole I'm Too cool for religion/authority..... so they run around the grave yard digging up bodies, tipping tombstones and generally making the ones of us (Non-devil worshippers, but wiccians/witches) who go the the cemetary to meditate And relax and practice our art, look like rude and childish Idiots.
I bitch because I love

"Teh Lordz Satan Protektz me frm ebil in mah PANTS!!!!!11111"
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