Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 12-23-2009, 04:17 PM   #2665
Ben Lahnger
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Originally Posted by LakitaJackson View Post
Oh, and to be a cunt, I should point out that I've also got a decent amount of two other drugs on my premises. (:
See. What do those people that say you are abusing those welfare checks know? Bwah-hah-hah-hah-hah!

Originally Posted by honeythorn View Post
I'm really starting to detest a woman I have to work with. ... I honestly think there may actually be something slightly wrong with her ... to something being slightly off in the brain department.

She also touches people far more than seems appropriate to me ... this bitch marched right up yesterday, stroked her hand down my fucking stomach before I had time to blink and bellowed about how much weight I'd lost. Thanks and all but DO NOT fucking touch me!
honeythorn, I'm with you ... that is just creepy and invasive. And I know the type. You won't get through to her with a civilized request, and depending on the boss or company, you may not get any help by talking to the boss.

Here's what I would do. Next time you see her, walk up to her with a brisk, tense stride. Intentionally invade her personal space a little bit and tell her in a stern voice, "LOOK, I do not like the way you touched me the other day. You keep your hands off my stomach and any other part of my body that I don't invite you to touch, or the next time I WILL tell the boss you touched me lower and will file a sexual assault charge against you. Now back off!"

Because she's too dense to get something subtler than that. That's just my opinion, but I personally wouldn't let her do that to me any more.

Originally Posted by vindicatedxjin View Post
I've been in this position before except that the lady was a terrifying lesbian. (not the cute kind either)
vindicatedxjin, it takes one to know one! Ha ha ha ha ha! How many cute terrifying lesbians have you met, perchance?

Seriously, nothing bigoted about that statement at all! LMAO!
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