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Old 02-03-2010, 01:27 PM   #11
Anarasha's Avatar
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Location: Thou Viking capital Denmark.
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Okay, the first one made me laugh so hard... xD

1. dennis

1. n; the onomatopoeic sound effect of bouncing boobs.
2. v; the act of boobs (or the owner of said boobs) creating this sound by bouncing.

1. i could recognize that dennis a mile away
2. so jenna jameson comes dennising up to me, right?..

2. Dennis

An extremely smart person who gets the job done better than anyone else. Name literally means "wild, crazy, strategic and smart". People never mess with this guy.
1. Hey man! What are you doing?

Tryin' to fix this damn lawn mower. I need to be a Dennis to figure this out.

3. Dennis

The most amazing guy you'll ever meet. He's always there for you when you need him and he's someone you can count on. He doesn't know how special of a guy he is. He's like a warm snuggly blanket on a cold winter's night. He's the sexiest, handsomest most gorgeous guy! Anyone who knows him is lucky to have him in their life, I know I am, I'm thankful for him everyday. He's stubborn sometimes, but everyone is. He's the perfect guy to have in your life. Any girl is lucky to be able to call him hers...I love you Dennis!
What an amazing guy, I love him! He's such a Dennis!
dennis amazing gorgeous sweet charming
by RES The knowing Nov 14, 2008 share this

4. Dennis

buy dennis mugs, tshirts and magnets
Method of moving in on a girl so she'll fall for you so hard she'll never recover.

D- demonstrate value
E- engage physically
N- nurture independence
N- neglect emotionally
I- inspire hope
S- separate entirely

Do it right.
You Dennis-ed that girl so hard she's yours forever.
denis pimp playa lust forever
by cougrrr Nov 19, 2009 share this

5. Dennis

A fun-loving dude. Loves to collect things and display them for all his friends to see. Great family man will always come through for people he loves. Shy at first but once he gets started he doesn't stop! The sex is amazing!
That Dennis sure is a keeper!
I wish my husband were more like Jane's Dennis!
dennis husband family man friends loving
by toodldo_4julie Nov 17, 2008 share this

6. dennis

one of the sweetest boys you could ever meet.someone who is perfect in every way.
i dont know how to describe how amazing he is..hes just so dennis
perfect amazing kiss hot wonderful
by babygirl94 Jul 4, 2009 share this

7. dennis

slang term for someone with a penis over 12 inches
that man says 'he has a dennis' but his wife says otherwise.
wang 12 inches slang penis dennis large penis penis joke
by truthguy Dec 1, 2009 share this
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