Thread: bangs
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Old 03-16-2010, 07:13 PM   #4
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I think she's done it with a lot of product. Some very light wax on the tips or something - they can get away with that in theatre and on film.

If you get them cut into points with a precision line (like in v-bangs or bettie bangs, for example) you'll have a very hard time concealing them. You'll have to do them every day, which can be a hassle. Zig zag scissors = no go.

Me, I would tinker with the idea of perhaps getting a fringe and feathering the bottom so you can "clump" it with product (hairspray works for me) into that shape. Work with it before the hair spray sets, and blast it with hot air. Cutting your hair like that, you have more freedom to do other things.

I have v-bangs and they're a hassle to keep straight (erm, pointed?) for an entire day. hope it works out for you!
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