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Old 04-06-2010, 02:58 PM   #15
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 147
Originally Posted by Saya View Post
Its still false advertising. If there are two doctor's offices in your area, and by description they seem identical, wouldn't you want the holistic healer who doesn't have a medical degree to advertise that he is not, infact, a doctor?

And is is criminal, since they just changed the law so that they have to advertise truthfully. Although there is probably a case anyway for false advertisement charges.
I would want him to advertise it, sure. However, I don't want those advertisements being forced by law.

I think you and I are talking about different things. I'm saying it's not criminal for them to saying incorrect things about abortion. Unless the law has mandated that you can't deviate from scientific consensus about abortion, they can still say incorrect things.

It may very well be illegal for them to pose as a clinic, and that may be what you're saying is the crime. If that's the case, then that's not what I'm arguing about.
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