Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 04-19-2010, 04:33 PM   #3466
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Hippyville.
Posts: 127
Mom's home in about 45 minutes, if she decides to not overwork herself today. I'll have to ask her then. But mainly, I'm just waiting for an opportunity to get my dad to look into it, since I'm on his insurance. Whiiiiiiich will conveniently link me to another rant in a moment. But for now, thanks to both of you. I'll keep an eye out for the mouthwash, and see if I can get them pulled by any means necessary. Not seeing any solution for my needle issue yet, though. Oh well.

My dad has the most infuriating argument tactic ever: Everything that doesn't fit with his mindset is an excuse. Explaining that I was just told my help wasn't needed? Excuse. Telling him that I got the news that I needed a full 12 hours too late to sign up for more classes? Excuse. Pointing out that I have no idea how to get to the bus station more than a few miles away so I can get to school without bumming rides? EXCUSE. I don't get it. Does he want me to bow my head submissively and murmur a soft 'Yes, Sir' before shuffling off to do his bidding? Oh, best part is that when I called him on cutting me off every two sentences, he threw a hissy fit and started yelling at me about something completely different. If I sound like I'm just a spoiled brat, I'm really not. I do everything I'm told to do, and I pull my own weight. My dad just has issues accepting this whole 'free will' concept. He's one of those parents who gives an order, then when asked why, he resorts to the eternally weak 'Because I said to, stop asking questions!' Which is when I decide to not listen to him, because he has the weakest excuse for exerting control I could ever imagine. He's fine with me standing up and asking questions when given orders from anyone else except him. Go figure.
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