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Old 05-02-2010, 04:44 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Ben Lahnger View Post
I'm just saying that there is a wide range of human behavior, and some people choose to abort for less honorable reasons. You've never denied it when I suggested that I believed a few women probably have aborted to avoid stretch marks and that I believe that a few couples have aborted because of the cost even though they make six figure incomes. I'm not saying those people making those choices will necessarily lead to more people making those choices ... just that I am certain that there are a few who behave that way.
I can vouch for this from personal experience. One lady who I used to know through acting school claimed to have done this twice and claimed that "Girls only feel the need to use protection after a scare". Needless to say her views were off-center on most topics.

Also what can be worse is that some can claim that they will use abortion as an excuse to do stupid things while pregnant. One particular case I knew was when a girl was pregnant with her second child, set her mind on an abortion so she drank, smoked, used all the drugs under the sun and then decided to keep the child. I can only imagine the future heath problems ahead for such a child.

These being said, they aren't what I would believe to be often.

Originally Posted by Creature
Most of the Muslims and black people i think do have kids for the money.
No, you idiot. They do it so they can take over Europe with superior numbers.
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