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Old 05-21-2010, 03:07 PM   #21
Join Date: Oct 2005
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Originally Posted by ape descendant View Post
I think that its backlash from the Liberation movement. Unfortunately liberated women and feminists have come to be demonized as selfish, souless, harpies. Women who believe in their reproductive rights are demonized as flippant and irresponible.

It feels like modern women who are aware of the struggle for equality are having to fight tooth and nail against OTHER WOMEN, just to keep what our grandmother's bought so dearly for us... choice.

Bingo, although as long as feminism has been around feminists have been demonized, its been a tug of war it seems for the women's liberation movement, we got the right to vote, then after WWII we entered the fifties and women were urged to go back home, and a lot of them did. We had second wave feminism, and then in America Reagan took back many of the hard won rights, and told women to go back home. In the nineties we had grrrl power, then when Bush came into office more rights were taken away. I dunno if everyone just now feels the political climate is safer now or what but I notice more and more women identifying as feminist. In Canada especially, but I think its a backlash against what Harper is doing, many are becoming afraid he might be our Reagan.

As for how we can end it without trampling women's choices, thats the thing, its still their choice, it just should be an informed and empowered choice. You're not a bad feminist if you stay home with your young children, but fuck you should not feel obligated to just because you have a uterus.
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