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Old 05-23-2010, 09:30 AM   #109
Join Date: May 2010
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I somewhat understand your disappointment. You are a realist. And maybe a little bit uncomfortable with black people. Look, I don't know. I could be wrong. But you must try to take in this concideration. Black people have been trying to be accepted in this world since, I don't know, since forever. Some black people, not all, but some, greatly admire caucasian people.(and other non-blacks) They admire their history, their land, etc. Within that admiration, there is wishful thinking of, "I wish I could be like"-----"I wish I look like"-----"I wish I could talk like"----etc.

So to futher explain, when that wishful thinking turns into an accomplishment that wants to be achieved and one is prohibited by certain people who belong to that race of people that you admire, your emotions go from minor sadness, depression, fustration, attitude and then anger. Then that is when one retaliates. Protests. Exposes. Just out right push their way through society. With of course, support, representives, laws, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now, taking this explanation in mind, there will be black people who may want to be a Vampire. They will try their hardest. Even if they don't fit in or from your point of view, look stupid or whatever. It can't be helped. And it can't be stopped.

Then on the other hand-------------you may or may not know this but their are REAL VAMPIRES in this world who just so happen to be non-white. And they secretly appreciate you and others like you, that have this type of mentallity. Your way of thinking diverts attention. It protects vampires from "salem-witch-hunting-tactics. (Trust me-there are psychos in this world that will kill a vamp in one bloody minute) Plus, it keeps their food source intact or energy source intact---what have yah.

So I hope what you've read can take the edge off your fustrations somewhat.
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