Thread: Rant Thread II
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Old 06-01-2010, 03:02 PM   #3738
Ben Lahnger
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If she's not normally a git and this is unusual behavior, then maybe 1) there's something about where she stays that stresses her out, so she see's Spencer's/your place as a haven but 2) not having everything unpacked and having boxes everywhere is stressful.

Of course, you were rightly stressed by your moving/work schedule and she overstepped her bounds in a number of ways. Hopefully, if she calms this instinct toward wanting order now, she'll see you do make progress over time and will relax.

I know that in my current apartment I've had to repack and unpack my kitchen and bathroom 3.5 times (don't ask) because they kept rescheduling mandatory pest control spraying but then the pest control people didn't show up on each day everything was boxed up. I've told them I'm not doing it any more and they can just spray around the cabinets without opening them, seeing as how I don't have a pest problem here and I am not boxing anything up again.

Damn nuisance! So the point of that paragraph was just to say that it's hard for me to feel organized when everything is in boxes around me. Maybe she feels a bit of that. I'm sure you do.
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