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Old 06-05-2010, 10:00 PM   #89
Angelic Dissonance
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: The Wall...
Posts: 269
Okay, listen:
Kids who cut themselves do so because they grew up being told cigarretes* would kill them. They don't want to die--AND THEY'RE ALREADY IN PAIN. Emotional pain is just as real, and MORE debilitating. It's all about experiencing that rush of endorphins, while wishing not to die, but for a distraction from how bitter you feel yourself becoming in your sorrow. SOME people are less fortunate than others--the perpetuation of the stereotype is wrong, morally. Some kids need help, not ridicule, and those are the same ones who are hiding it! *AND to explain the cigarrete thing, those who graduate to smoking get the buzz from the cowboy killers, and it feels wonderfully mind-clearing...or numbing. That, and they burn instead of cut, it's more intense. And burns don't heal NEARLY as easily, either. A person who feels that much pain inside already, to not care about the pain their body feels, but actually go and seek it out, is in a world of their own, so to speak, too blinded by sadness. The same feeling a sensitive person, such as myself, gets while attempting to make it past disc two of Pink Floyd: The Wall, without tears.... you 'lucky' people could never understand, for real--CONSIDER it for a second, before you snicker.
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