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Old 04-22-2004, 01:06 AM   #3
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Lisboa, Portugal
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When I was a teenager (80's) I listened to a lot of heavy metal. In the group of friends we had in our street, only two of us were into it.

One day, were arguing about music and musical tastes, and as usual, I found myself trying to justify/explain why I listened to music that to others was so obviously crap.

I couldn't explain the power and energy you feel, I couldn't explain the revolt, the feeling that there's something about the agressiveness in the music that relates to all those excess teen homones you need to burn up, all the things you're angry about as a teen (teenagers are ALWAYS angry/upset about something) and how the music is like a catharsis to all that.

and a friend goes: -You listen to that shit because you have problems in your family.
Me: -What?
Him: -Yeah. And Richard also listens to it because his mum gives all of his family shit.
I don't remember what I said to try to refute it, but the thought stuck in my head. I did notice later on that everybody I knew that listened to heavy/punk/alternative music was fucked up in some kind of way which not only varied in reasons as to why you're fucked up, but also the degree to which you're fucked up.

Some were very poor.

Some's family members were nothing but alcoholics and/or drug users.

Some were molested.

Some were constantly beaten.

some were ugly or fat.

Some stutered or had something physical that made them different.

Some were gay.

Some were exceedingly rich/bored and angry at their parents for not giving a shit about them (a lot of those out there).

Some were inteligent enough to be able to see the world very clearly and didn't like at all what they saw (these are a very rare and valuable species and are worth a lot of points if you shag them, if you want to know what they look like, check out my avatar)

You can go on all you want about the sense of aesthetics/music/literature and you'll be right, but what I'm saying is: wasn't there something specific that drew you to it?

Was there a point in your life were you didn't follow the "normal" path and got diverted to the "twilight zone", whether willingly or not?

I think so. If not, chances are you're 13, think black is cool and so are the chicks/boys who do, and just got here recently.

My point: either nobody is born a goth or everybody is a latent goth, but there is something that triggers it. The capacity to appreciatte the beauty gypsy mentioned exists in all, but lays dormant and may stay there all your life and may never stirr. Obviously, because you're reading this, something DID stirr; or your just reading this to try to learn how to pick up goth chicks (I give private courses on it and accept all major credit cards)
Undead again...
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