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Old 07-25-2010, 04:20 PM   #4563
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Back in Wisconsin(thinking about invading the south)
Posts: 3,693
Today me and my family went to church(it's technecally a Basilica) at this local national Catholic landmark known as Holy Hill. I decided to bring a camera along, so you could see some of it's beauty. It has 3 towers, though only one is accessable to the public. Unfortunately for those afraid of heights you have to climb up a series of narrow stairs to get to the top. It has some of the best views Wisconsin has to offer, and is such an inspirational sight, that there are many artists who live in the area so they observe and paint the area around it all year round.

I only wish I could show you some pictures from the fall, thats when it's beauty truely shines, as you look down at hills of full of fall colors everywhere. Better yet when you are on the hills under the fall colored trees, gold and red leaves all around you filtering the light, as you go through the trails along the hills.

On the lower level of the Basilica they have an inn(only $35 a night) and a cafe that serves delicious meals to warm you up from the cool fall air. You can finish it up with either their delicious apple pie, or their famous fruits of the forest pie which contains apple, rhubarb, and berries. Once you are all tired of that, at the bottom of the hill during the fall there is a roadside place that sells the best apple cider (non alcoholic) you'll find anywhere. One sip of that cider is true ambrosia, if only it was available year round.

It's not hard to figure out why they call it Holy Hill, it completely engulfs your senses, and gives you a little taste of heaven.

Looking from one tower at the other
The shadows of clouds roaming the hills
More of the other Tower
The third tower
Beyond the tower
Some of the beautiful stained glass windows
More stained glass
Finally here is one of the many pieces of art produced of the area
"The chaos of the world viewed from a distance reveals perfection."- me

"Never overestimate the intellect of someone so foolish that they would exploit and perpetuate stupidity in the people around them, for they create their own damnation as they tear out and sell the pillars that support society as a whole, bringing it crashing down upon them."-me

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”- Einstein
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