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Old 08-04-2010, 12:33 PM   #112
Azareal Crow
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On the original Topic: Hi, I'm a West Indian American Goth and I live in NY. I know I have a large group of friends in the city who are all "non-white" Goths and because of this I have to take an opposite stance from you, I've seen and known and been friends with so many African American/Black Goths I don't know how you haven't seen one. Not if you live in the Tri-State area.
I don't think the color of one's skin has anything to do with whether a certain style looks good on any one. I've seen so many lighter skin people look horrible in "Goth wear" and I've seen just as many darker skinned people look amazing in the same thing. It's a matter of knowing your body and what does and doesn't look good on you and sometimes tweaking a style so it suits you more. As it was said already there are so many styles under the heading of "Goth" everyone of every race and skin tone should find something they look good in.

On the whole "Nigga" thing: I have to say from a linguistics stand point that if it is something that is widely used and recognizable with a meaning that is immediately understood by a group or culture, it is a word. Claiming that it is only a word to African Americans and so it is not a word is invalid because you wouldn't use that argument with any other culture.
If you need to go even simpler than that Nigga is merely the "N" word said in dialect.
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