Thread: Dublin Riots
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Old 08-10-2010, 08:42 PM   #9
emeraldlonewoulf's Avatar
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It isn't that. I know the cultural basis from which his views spring and the conflicting parts within it. ( yes, there are many derogatory inferences to be found there, the jokes that can be made, etc.).

Some people can escape from that to see a bigger picture. I think it is possible for him to consider more than parroting what he has in the past. Of course, whether or not he chooses to is entirely up to him.

I am not jumping on the bandwagon to verbally beat him to a pulp the way so many here do. From his viewpoint, given what he has learned, he is doing the right thing in standing by his beliefs, whether they are accurate or not.

Overcoming fierce dedication to a wrongheaded idea, or even a an idea with merit that is pointed in the wrong direction, is a very difficult thing to do, especially when a high value is placed upon faith in that idea in the surrounding culture.

Can you imagine the force of the dedication he has toward his ideals, combined with genuine research and logic?

Short version:

Screw you and your hypocrisy. We are all hypocrites, in one form or another, and usually by mistake.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with catsup." - unknown

Originally Posted by Stormtrooper of Death
Originally Posted by Beneath the Shadows
Because some people are dicks. And not everyone else is gay.
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