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Old 08-11-2010, 09:08 PM   #246
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Actually Saya, I'm going to agree with you (in part at least). I'll agree that there are other teachers who have a more progressive, and agreeable message.

However, I'm not going to discount his worthiness as a teacher, a person, or a spiritual leader because I disagree with things he says (even very key issues like homosexuality). The guy is an absolute BASTION of peace and tolerance, and is arguably the most famous Buddhist in the world, and despite being mistaken on a number of issues, there are alot of great things he says and stands for.

Besides, I think that at times there is a real danger to be found in listening to those who only share similar opinions. I respect the guy in the same way I respect Pope John Paul and Ghandi. Ghandi hated black people, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't a great man who inspired the entire species to move forward by leaps and bounds.

(Thanks for the article btw, that really was a good read)

As to the vegetarian thingy, I've heard that argument before. I understand it, I just don't accept it. It is the nature of organic life to subvert and consume other organic life. I'm sure if reincarnation is true, I have eaten my mom and been eaten by her countless times.

What I don't accept is that this action results in negative karma. Food is food and if you're going to say that God is a lotus and a chicken and a lesbian, then there's no more negative karma to be found in chowing down on a burger than a bean-sprout. Life is life.

Now don't get me wrong, compassion and mindfulness is important, I just think there's a helluva lot more negative karma to be found in being cruel, or hateful, or gluttenous, than in disembodied pissed-off mother cow ghosts.
Originally Posted by KontanKarite
I promote radical change through my actions.
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