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Old 04-23-2004, 12:53 PM   #41
Gypsy2222's Avatar
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Location: A little left of Hell...
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Re: misunderstood

Originally Posted by dealwithit
Born a Goth or became one just to be the opposite of the people you hate most. to distinguish yourself from the people whose views you despise and principles you loath. Changing the way you used to act to be the person you have become. look at the world today and you will be fucking frightened so why not become a goth and scare the shit out of people for yourself, i mean face it we have better music, clothes and basically everything else; but isn't that the attitude we hate in other people. Being vindicated for the way we look and act is part of everyday life for most of us and yet we still have those views about other groups of people. so in fact becoming or being a goth doesn't change anything. it just comes from living in a world where everything depends on social scale with labels and rules. Goth is only a label not an upbringing or lifestyle.
To address the last statement first... You seem to think that goth is only a label... fair enough... Then I would pose this question... "If goth is only a label, How can something be gothic in nature?" (i.e. that painting is so goth). I say that there must be more... sure, we use the word as a label to define certain qualities and characteristics of something, lets say a song... but what qualities of said song would be there without soul behind it? Thus having an inherent gothic nature within it... An entire subculture is based around things goth... and in any subculture there are basic precepts and philosophies basic to it's nature as a subculture... hence the ideal "I am me, I am not afraid to be different, I like dark things, I am goth..."

Secondly, the only time I have ever been vindicated for the way I act and look is when a lass walks up to me and tries to get me in the sack... lol... I think you may have meant something else other than "Proven right and cleared of all blame".....

I also do not "Try to scare the shit out of other poeple" in being goth... I have no need to even talk to preps, jocks, ect. I do what I do and Like what I like because it is the way I am... The rest is inconsequential and to intentionally give out a negative personna like that gives other goths a bad name... Something I try not to do... Self defense is one thing but direct offense is something even I cannot condone.....

~The Gypsy~
~Meditate to the Machine... Breathe the Pulse... Dance the Heart.....~Me
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