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Old 10-08-2010, 11:50 PM   #8
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Eh, Cammy kind of changes sometimes. Cannon Drill sometimes goes under projectiles. Spin Knuckle sometimes passes through mid-height attacks, such as projectiles. The big difference that makes her so awful in A3 compared to others is the recovery time of her failed attacks. Cammy is a wonderful character because she can close distance in a variety of ways and has solid counters. It doesn't really count for anything when neither spin knuckle nor cannon drill ignore projectiles, and the recovery time for a blocked cannon drill is practically a year long. Her only serious moves are cannon strike and cannon spike, but I feel that the priority on them isn't as high as it should be. That version pretty much forces you to play defensively and hope you aren't spammed with Haduken.

I loved A3 almost exclusively for it's presentation. From the music, to the art design, to the animations. It was very 90's. The Dramatic battle often sent me into fits of rage, but it was still cool as hell. I also really liked the fighting styles incorporated from the previous games. It added a little more depth to the characters.

I can appreciate 3 for it's more technical aspects, but it's flavor just doesn't suit me. I love the other roster so much specifically BECAUSE of how fucking ridiculous those characters are. It's one of the reasons I love 4 so much. When you see Guile walk on screen at the start of a match, you'll know what I mean.

I didn't like Tekken as much. The characters weren't really that interesting to me, and it's actual game play was more like muscle memory then anything else.

I can direct you to a Capcom arcade emulator if you're interested in playing some of the street fighter and cross over games on your computer. I recommend a USB controller, though.
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